Strictly Limited Editions

Certificate Of Authenticity

Only 5 copies have been made and the artwork will not be available in any other format.

You will be 1 of only 5 owners of these artworks. As strictly limited editions, each one comes with a numbered, signed Certificate of Authenticity

Click any work to see details or to buy.

Bridge Over Calm Waters

Realistic coloured pencil sketch of a simple wooden bridge over a serene narrow waterway, within landscaped English Stately Home gardens on a warm summer's day. Gentle greens and blues are very English, like china teacups. The scene has oriental overtones.

The image is based upon all Stately Home landscape gardens so has no no direct 'real' equivalent. I've spent many hours wandering around places such as Castle Howard, and they all have elements which I remember. The trees are from Burton Constable; the bridge itself is like one at Headlam Hall. The hedge - Castle Howard and so on.

Eventually if you see enough of them, they seem to merge and it's hard to distinguish the memory of one from the other. Your recollection becomes sketchy.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 19x28 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Lady Of The Lake II

Sorry. This artwork is no longer available.

USD $xxx.xx

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 19x28 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Trixie's Gonna Get You

A Rich, dense oil painting of a nude female clown provocatively sitting on a table surrounded by dereliction and wreckage. Vibrant bold turqoises and purple blues frame a subtle, potentially psychopathic facial expression underneath clown makeup.

Techniques are borrowed from modern film-making to construct a rich image with impossible vibrance. The starting point was a series of High Dynamic Range images of the background, to allow the intense detail to become visible. The model was posed and shot separately against a green screen, then re-constructed digitally. The two components were composited, then digitally painted.

What exactly is in Trixie's mind? Is she sensual seductrous or murderous psychopath? Or both? The image is clearly related to Clowns Around A Table, but instead of multiplicity and interaction, I wanted to create a sense of danger. Clowns are supposed to be funny, but many people find them dangerous and scary. Trixie is also exposed, vulnerable and seductive.

All those elements might seem mutually exclusive, but I don't think they are. I think they can co-exist in delecate balance, but perhaps only temporarily.

Like the cellar door scene from The Evil Dead movie, which I very much had in mind when I named her, Trixie's gonna get you. In one way or the other.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 28x19 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Watch The Skies

Sorry. This artwork is no longer available.

USD $xxx.xx

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 17x25 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

The Castle

A light, relaxed watercolour of Dunstanburgh Castle from across England's Northumbrian Shoreline, pale yellow orange glowing sky with light seas and seaweed.

I always feel excited when I can explore. Seeing a ruin in the distance - I have to investigate. It's a child-like feeling of adventure and discovery, even when the ruin is well known, it still feels like I'm discovering it for the first time. This part of the English coastline has several similar castles but the feeling is still there even when I spot a tumble-down cow shed in a field. I have to investigate.

This particular castle is my childish sense of adventure, it's the moment of 'Oh what's that in the distance? How do I get to it? The tide has come in and the beach route is cut off'. I gave the image itself simple, child-like easy colours, almost like a children's adventure book, and big simple swashes of watery colour.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 11x16 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Elevato Vigore Cascata

A rich hyper-real illustration of High Force Waterfall, in Northern England, with powerful thundering falls and serene pools below. Intense textures on the rock contrast with the silky glass smoothness of the water.

The word 'Force' itself comes from the Viking word for Waterfall, making the name a double redundancy. As a language enthusiast, this has always irked me, so the Latin title is deliberately ironic.

I wanted to re-create the darker textures of 18th Century English landscape paintings, which seem to blur the line between etching and painting. My starting point was a good deal of high dynamic range long exposure photography of the falls, which were digitally enhanced to bring out various details. Different elements from 4 separate HDR composites form different parts of this work. It is not possible to produce a single image which kept all the high-frequency detail I wanted in the rocks and moss, whilst keeping the polished glass feel of the water.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 19x28 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Terris Novalis

Sorry. This artwork is no longer available.

USD $xxx.xx

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 28x19 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Sitting On The Fence

A deceptively simple winter sunset behind a tree, behind a fence, above snow. Close inspection reveals intense, deliberate detail in both the distant trees and close foreground with cold blue snow highlighted by weak gold sunlight.

The detail in the twigs of the far distant trees is what made me create this. It's fractal, the closer you look at far away, the more detail there is. But then you look down at the ground and the heavy frost on the twigs right in front of you, and it's equally fractal. And then you notice the bare plants behind the fence, which are the same.

No matter how far away from, or close up to something you are, there's something to mentally zoom in on. Fractal.

I also wanted to emphasise the way our eyes are totally fooled by light. We think snow, sky and sunlight is white on a day like this. Our brains are lying to us. Instead, we have baby colours, pale blues and yellows.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 19x28 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Reservoir Blues

Oil and water only mix well in the eye. Hyper-real oil strokes reflect a vast, simple inky black blue sky; infinite above and infinite below. Be big, bold and icy cold.

Inspired by the cold isolation and freezing waters of one of Northern England's many reservoirs, Balderhead, on a crystal clear winter day. The location I was walking in was made famous by Daleswoman Hannah Hauxwell, who made headlines in the 1970s with her antiquated lifestyle.

Simplicity is it's own reward, offering a chance to reflect on the greater, vaster void (pun intended).

It's all too easy to get caught up in busy, to see detail in everything and fill with content. Sometimes the best story is the lack of one, conspicuous by its absence, but that becomes its own contradiction. Even the absence of story is a story.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 28x19 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.


A unique, unexpected but vibrant watercolour blend of harsh Northumbrian isolation with Caribbean clearwaters. Water-like strokes only appear on close inspection, a more distant view reveals a fresco-like texture.

Bamburgh Castle lies a short distance from Alnwick Castle, the filming location used in the Harry Potter films. It is the largest of England's few remaining inhabited Castles.

All too often along England's coastlines, the sea is a stormy, powerful but dark turmoil whilst the sky still contains colour and joy. I wanted to bring a contradictory sense of chrystal clear calmness, the kind that only exists in movies set on a desert island.

This work is constructed digitally from scratch using the colour palette of the Caribbean, but the shapes and buildings of Northumbria. Both real in their own right, combining to make something unreal.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 24x15 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Holding Up The Sky

Faux classical style architecture with strong columns holding up the roof to an unseen building, a dark, brooding stormy sky above. A powerful diagonal separates the world of the gods from the mortals below. The simple colour palette adds to the structure.

This style of architecture has been much emulated in large grand public buildings and private homes. This particular roof happens to be at Hardwick Hall. As I looked up, I couldn't help but think that the only thing preventing the oncoming storm from the gods from dropping down, was the strength of the man-made columns holding it up.

A number of high dynamic range shots were taken of a particularly menacing sky which seemed to herald the arrival of Thor himself. These then were composited with separately treated images of the architecture, bent and corrected to form a straight line. Gods don't build in straight lines but men do. It's an impossible picture which can only exist with considerable manipulation.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 28x19 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

Dragon Lady Lost Love

A richly detailed portrait study with strong Gothic and Georgian overtones. Intense detail of feathers, lace and age-darkened woodwork contrast with the simplicity of the forlorn expression, as she holds her feathered mask.

The story is a question; Is she hiding, or revealing? Two opposite actions resulting in the exact same scene.

This portrait, like my other 'Dragon Lady' images are inspired by a Jacobean Manor House at a location very special to me - but one which must be kept secret to protect it and the incredible heritage it contains. The location is the birthplace of the 'St. George & The Dragon', and all other similar English 'dragon slaying' legends.

The hero / slayer of the original tale, which inspired amongst many other things, Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky, is a direct ancestor of mine.

USD $525.00

(Images here are for illustration purposes)

  • Mount: 3 inch approx.
  • Picture size: 19x28 inch approx.
  • Fine quality Giclée reproduction on special archival paper for sharpness, colour fidelity and decades-long colour retention. Acrylic anti-glare glazing. Comes complete with fixings for hanging.

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